
O V E R S I Z E D indoor lanterns.

Considering me and olivia are having a bit of a interior design faze, I just thought i'd show you these amazing indoor lanterns! They normally look good in simple rooms but can be decorated to suit any style. You can light candles inside them which really gives the room a bright and warm feeling. And in the summer you can just use them for decor as you will see them in a whole new light in the summery season! Here's one of my faves from John Lewis:


i n t e r i o r design.

Interior design fashions are always changing and once you keep up with them, they've changed again! so its best to stick to a simple style and change small accessories of a room. Personally, I stick with a base of three colours for a room. For example, in my bedroom my theme is turquoise, white and brown which creates a chilledddd atmosphere which I love;) but yeah here is a simple room ready to be accessorisedddd. wizzar;)
^ this would look lovely with modern accesories or maybe even a french furniture look!
let us know what you think ! 


innocent smoothie- clever way of getting your 5 a day;) ☮

At the minute i'm addicted to Innocent Smoothies! I never knew being healthy tasted so good! There are a variety of flavours, my favourite being the pineapples, bananas and coconut one shown above^
All the smoothies are made out of 100% fruit and a glass counts for 2 portions of your 5 a day! Also, the smoothies are much cheaper to buy than picking your own fruit and making your own. They really are mood boosting drinks and really refresh you. A good kickstart drink for the new year;)! peace out ☮
hi guys! this post is simply for our own humour, but this one is about...

look how cool they are, i think i love them!


they're just aborable!

right, now you all know i'm obsessed with penguins, i have a fetish for them! now on to the serious posts...



hope you all survived the new year! i find new year always really happy, because you can just put all the bad bits of the last year behind you with a good partying ;) and of course my new years resolution: To be healthier and to do something that scares me everyday. Not sure if i'll stick to either of them but it's always worth a try, ay;)? A lot of people always seem to be on a bit of a downer on the first few days of the new year, most probably because of the fact christmas is over, we have to go back to work and school, hangover from new years eve and just the reality that we we don't get another holiday until February or Easter. But you might as well enjoy the last few days, a good pampering should do the trick :} !